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قديم 07-21-15, 09:13 AM   #1
مطر الفجر

الصورة الرمزية مطر الفجر

آخر زيارة »  01-12-18 (03:05 AM)
سحقاً لقوم يقولون مالا يعلمون
و بئساً لقوم يحكمون بما لا يعرفون
و تباً لقوم في الجهالة يستمرون
ان بعض القول فناً
فاجعل الاصغاء فناً

 الأوسمة و جوائز

افتراضي Emeli Sandé - Clown

Emeli Sandé - Clown

I guess it's funnier from where you're standing
Cause from over here I missed the joke
Clear the way for my crash landing
I've done it again
Another number for your notes

I'd be smiling if I wasn't so desperate
I'd be patient if I had the time
I could stop and answer all of your questions
As soon as I find out
How I can move from the back of the line

So I'll be your clown
Behind the glass
Go 'head and laugh
Cause it's funny
I would too if I saw me
I'll be your clown
On your favourite channel
My life's a circus circus
Round in circles
I'm selling out tonight

I'd be less angry if it was my decision
And the money was just rolling in
If I had more than my ambition
I'll have time for 'Please'
I'll have time for 'Thank you's
As soon as I win

So I'll be your clown
Behind the glass
Go 'head and laugh
Cause it's funny
I would too if I saw me
I'll be your clown
On your favourite channel
My life's a circus circus
Round in circles
I'm selling out tonight

From a distance my choice is simple
From a distance I can entertain
So you can see me
I put make-up on my face
But there's no way you can feel it
From so far away

So I'll be your clown
Behind the glass
Go 'head and laugh
Cause it's funny
I would too if I saw me
I'll be your clown
On your
favorite channel
My life's a circus circus
Round in circles
I'm selling out tonight


قديم 07-21-15, 10:11 AM   #2

الصورة الرمزية قيس
Ensan 3aDy

آخر زيارة »  06-12-16 (02:56 AM)

 الأوسمة و جوائز


this song is so beautiful

Thank u


قديم 07-21-15, 09:49 PM   #3
مطر الفجر

الصورة الرمزية مطر الفجر

آخر زيارة »  01-12-18 (03:05 AM)
سحقاً لقوم يقولون مالا يعلمون
و بئساً لقوم يحكمون بما لا يعرفون
و تباً لقوم في الجهالة يستمرون
ان بعض القول فناً
فاجعل الاصغاء فناً

 الأوسمة و جوائز


you welcome qais


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