الموضوع: Technology Disruption
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قديم 07-26-20, 11:02 AM   #1
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آخر زيارة »  يوم أمس (09:58 AM)

 الأوسمة و جوائز

افتراضي Technology Disruption

مقال كتبته في موقع LinkedIn اترك حرية ترجمته للاخوة الاعضاء...انا متأكد ان هناك من يحب الترجمة

We have a lot of Management Consulting firms which provide consultations to big companies. These firms take a lot of money for their services and give sometimes nonsense feedback. To cite an example, in the 80ths one of the leading communication companies paid a lot of money to one of these leading consulting companies just to answer one question

What is the demand forecast for the so-called cell phones by the year 2000. How many subscribers would be there in the market?!

The answer, came from the consulting company, was 900,000 subscribers while in reality the demand was 109 million subscribers

Definitely, they overlooked what is called Technology Disruption in phone business

People now are talking about Technology Disruption in Transportation sector which eventually would allow us to do away with buying and owning automobiles and rely instead on autonomous vehicles for transportation..... It is the era of Technology Disruption